I suppose we'll find out in a couple of years, but I remember when
Dave was considered the heir apparent to Johnny for years before the
Leno/Kushnick drama, and Dave, in respect to Johnny, never lobbied for
it, never told anyone in the press that he was clamoring for the job.
It would have seemed unseemly.

A similar dynamic _may_ be taking place in regards to SCG.

On May 19, 1:23 am, PGage <pga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 9:48 PM, donz5 <do...@aol.com> wrote:
> > I trust you're kidding re the interview being taped 18 months ago.
> > It was taped the same day as broadcast, Thursday, May 17.
> > This was the first time Dave got to talk to Conan about the fun times
> > 18 months, so why not focus on that?
> > As to Conan replacing Dave: as we've noted several times, SCG already
> > has that guaranteed in his contract, per Bill Carter's book.
> Yes, I was joking about the 18 months. I just meant that the spent the
> whole first segment talking about the Conan-Lenon thing, without really any
> context or apology, as if it were still a current event. As I noted, I
> didn't mind, but I was hoping for a bit more than that.
> I am aware of the SCG issue. My point there is that I increasingly do not
> really see that happening, both because I don't think CBS will want it, and
> I because I don't think he will want it, though admittedly that is
> influenced by my growing lack of interest in Ferguson as a talk show host,
> and my perception that he seems to me not really interested in being a talk
> show host. I am not sure what a 11:35 show with Ferguson would be.

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