On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 3:19 PM, Joe Hass <hassgoc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm wary of people who claim they knew something before they "hit the big
> time" as a point of pride, but Ebert's the card I'd play.
> I always felt there were two version of Ebert. Ebert 1.0 was everything
> through about 2006 or so (when he lost his voice and dropped from
> mainstream public view). But at the same time that Ebert was disappearing,
> Ebert 2.0 was developing, where it wasn't all about the movies. That's when
> he launched the blog and jumped onto the social networks and really became
> what a lot of younger people probably think of him as, and that's when I
> went from being aware of him to following him. As someone who was never
> much of a film fan, I could devour anything he wrote (much like I do with
> Bill Simmons and the NBA).
> I always thought Chris Jones’s Esquire piece in 2010 was the point where
> Ebert 2.0 went from “cool little secret” to “superstar”, where he wrote
> whatever the hell he wanted to, and it was always good, and the rest of the
> world found out how incredible he was.

I have watched him on TV since his first year on PBS, and have followed him
online since he first went online with his reviews with the Suntimes. I
sent in a dozen or so Answer Man questions, a couple of which he followed
up with a personal email note to me about - nothing earth shattering, but
just a nice follow up or comment to share a mutual interest in some arcane

It is hard to see your description of him before before 2010 as a "cool
little secret", since by then I and the large majority of people I know had
been following him closely for more than three decades. I have been
inspired by how he dealt with his medical issues, and enjoyed learning more
about him and his family, but I guess when I think of him it will always be
most prototypically not as your 2.0 version, but more than 1.0, especially
sitting in the balcony, and inviting us to see him at the movies.

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