ok.... so I understand now that Peak TV means quantity.... or a large pile
with a peak -- ok, got it.     I've been wondering about this crazy volume
of productions for a few years now (basically once the streamers like
Netflix started winning Emmys).   The crazy volume of shows, I don't think,
can be sustained from an economical basis.   Sure all these streaming
studios/channels will disrupt the TV economy/landscape, but is this not
like the DotCom boom?  So much money out there based on vacuous or hopeful
eyeballs and unproven models.

I would really LOVE to see some of the inside metrics of Netflix and their
"renewal" decisions (prior to Covid-19).

Following on the impact to the business of Covid.... absolutely everything
is becoming more expensive.... and I would expect that the Peak will have
to decrease down towards the foothills of sustainable farmland.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 5:25 PM PGage <pga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I admit to vaguely assuming “Peak TV” was some kind of nuanced
> version of “Golden Age of TV”, but this article made clear it refers to
> quantity, not quality, of programming.

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