Corden leaving late night is one of the best things that could happen to 
it, second only to Fallon moving on.

I'd think CBS would just let the franchise die. Local stations would 
appreciate the extra revenue and the network would probably be happy to 
save (the minimal) amount in the budget. (One imagines that the only reason 
they stayed with the show after Ferguson was that Moonves was so smitten 
with Corden [of course, he was also smitten with Chen, and we know what a 
bum deal that turned out to be ...]).

That said, if they do keep the LLS going, I'd guess it stays in LA. Not 
only does it give them something to put in Television City, it also gives 
them access to guests on the west coast (this is another reason TTS being 
in Rockefeller Center is so baffling; but then, everything from Fallon on 
up baffles me on that show ...).

Moving Noah to the mothership makes no sense in my mind. Despite how he's 
destroyed the DS franchise, he's doing everything there that he could want 
to do in a late night show, moving to 12:30 feels like a downward step, and 
he's probably got only a few years left before he moves on to expand his 
comedy and producing career (he's already sold a show to NBC).

If they do keep the LLS going, though, I'd agree that the best thing to do 
would be to have a woman or a POC host.

==Dave Sikula

On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 7:11:06 PM UTC-7 David Bruggeman wrote:

> My basic thoughts, other than relief at one less Jimmy in late night.
> Will CBS bother with a replacement?  Late night, at least in my lifetime, 
> has been something mostly of interest to NBC.  Without Dave, there wouldn't 
> be any CBS late night to speak of, and certainly not a second hour of it.
> If they bother, will they put it on the network or go straight to the plus?
> Will it be in California?  I think it would be a little silly to have yet 
> another late night show in the Big Apple, and I'm persuaded that it makes 
> sense for bookings to have network shows near where much of the U.S. 
> television production still is.
> Who would host?  I think it would depend in part on if it stays in 
> California, but I agree that it seems likely to not be an old white guy.
> Desus and Mero are very Bronx, but that is perhaps third on my list of 
> reasons why I think they wouldn't do it.  First is their propensity for all 
> kinds of network-unfriendly content and second is that they are probably 
> good with doing a show once or twice a week.  Much as I'd like to add my 
> favorite link from their show, they did a segment recently where they were 
> forced to work clean and failed miserably - 
> As for Trevor, I guess?  It makes sense to me that the 11:30 and 12:30 
> shows are distinct from each other, and I'd think that a Colbert-Noah block 
> would just seem like one big show.  Of course, they might want that?

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