Yeah thanks a lot. I implemented it the same way inside my
It's not giving the previous error. But the error now is :
"Failure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost: Connection to the other
side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost"

Lets leave it for a mail gap. Please clarify this small doubt.

I have my sample server and client codes on same machine. For server, the
last line of code where I return a service is this way :
      s =
      return s

I create my client this way :
          proxy = Proxy('https://%s:%s@%s:1192' % ('conetuser',

It's running fine if both are on my system. I have changed the localhost to
my ip address , and run the server on my pc and client on another pc. That
case, it gave me connection error. Is it wrong? In creation of server also,
should I give it some host address or something along with port ?
When I run the client with localhost replaced by my ipaddress with both
server and client on my pc, it's working fine.
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