On 29/05/2012, at 1:25 PM, bino oetomo <b...@indoakses-online.com> wrote:

> Dear All
> On 05/25/2012 04:27 PM, vinod kumar wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>>      I'm trying to connect to homematic server at address ''
>> and port '2001'. I have a sample twisted server and client on my localhost.
>> It's working fine. Now to the functions in server protocol.py file, I added
>> another function  (as shown below) which creates another client that
>> connects to homematic server. But it's giving following error when I start
>> the client.
> I don't know what homematic is ...
> But I played with wokkel to bridge Arduino and XMPP.
> So if you still need more discussion, and have a time .. plis elaborate 
> more about :
> 1. What is homematic

>From what I can see, homematic is a networked home automation server.  Being 
>unable to comprehend German I can't glean much from their sales material, but 
>they seem to use some kind of home-brew comms protocol

> 2. What you want your twisted script to work
> May be there is something that I can share
> Sincerely
> -bino-
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I'd suggest setting tcpdump to watch your packets and see what data is being 
exchanged.  It may well be that you're dealing with a fail-and-die protocol and 
not properly handling its failure response.

It might be considered overkill, but when I'm first building a networked 
process I log the hell out of everything, from raw line messages to the parsing 
and processing steps.  It helps, believe me.  If you give individual messages 
unique ID numbers, and make sure to print iteration numbers on loops, you can 
easily highlight where it's going wrong, or highlight adverse behaviour 

Anyway, just my two cents.



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