Hi all,
I'm sure I asked this question before, but I can't find any answers on google, and I've changed my work flow a bit now, so thought it was worth re-asking.

So on my server's protocol, I have a send method. This allows me to pass arguments which get sent off to the client in the right format. The send method looks something like this:

 def send(self, command, **kwargs):
"""Cause the client to issue getattr(connection, command)(**kwargs). If disconnect evaluates to True, disconnect the client after the message is sent."""
  disconnect = kwargs.get('disconnect', False)
   del kwargs['disconnect']
  except KeyError:
   pass # Argument not found.
  d = defer.Deferred()
d.addCallback(self.prepare_command) Convert the command and kwargs to json.
  d.addCallback(self.deferred_write) # Write the json to the transport.
  if disconnect:
d.addCallback(self.deferred_disconnect) # Issue self.transport.loseConnection(). reactor.callFromThread(d.callback, [command, kwargs]) # Call the deferred's callback chain.
  return d # Return the deferred.

If I try something like:
protocol.send('alert', message = '*** Disconnected. ***', disconnect = True)
the client gets disconnected, but never sees the "*** Disconnected. ***" message.

I guess I could do a reactor.callLater and just wait for the transport to get the message, but that seems sloppy, and I can't help thinking there must be something I'm missing.

Any ideas welcome!

Cheers all,

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