On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 5:03 AM, Amber Hawkie Brown <
hawk...@atleastfornow.net> wrote:

> On behalf of Twisted Matrix Laboratories, I am honoured to announce the
> release of Twisted 17.1!
> The highlights of this release are:
> - twisted.web.client.Agent now supports IPv6! It's also now the primary
> web client in Twisted, with twisted.web.client.getPage being deprecated in
> favour of it and Treq.
> - twisted.web.server has had many cleanups revolving around timing out
> inactive clients.
> - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions has had its `method` argument
> deprecated, in favour of the new raiseMinimumTo, lowerMaximumSecurityTo,
> and insecurelyLowerMinimumTo arguments, which take TLSVersion arguments.
> This allows you to better give a range of versions of TLS you wish to
> negotiate, rather than forcing yourself to any one version.
> - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions will use OpenSSL's
> MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS, which will let it free unused memory that was held by
> idle TLS connections.
> - You can now call the new twist runner with `python -m twisted`.
> - twisted.conch.ssh now has some ECDH key exchange support and supports
> `hmac-sha2-384`.
> - Better Unicode support in twisted.internet.reactor.spawnProcess,
> especially on Windows on Python 3.6.
> - More Python 3 porting in Conch, and more under-the-hood changes to
> facilitate a Twisted-wide jump to new-style classes only on Python 2 in
> 2018/2019. This release has also been tested on Python 3.6 on Linux.
> - Lots of deprecated code removals, to make a sleeker, less confusing
> Twisted.
> - 60+ closed tickets.
> For more information, check the NEWS file (link provided below).
> You can find the downloads at <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Twisted> (or
> alternatively <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Downloads>). The NEWS
> file is also available at <https://github.com/twisted/
> twisted/blob/twisted-17.1.0/NEWS>.
> Many thanks to everyone who had a part in this release - the supporters of
> the Twisted Software Foundation, the developers who contributed code as
> well as documentation, and all the people building great things with
> Twisted!
Thanks all!  Great to see the troubles of 16.7 mostly behind us.

I do hope there will be at 17.1.1 soon for <
https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/9031> and particularly <

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