> On Mar 4, 2021, at 3:02 PM, Werner Thie <wer...@thieprojects.ch> wrote:
> On 3/4/21 08:51, Glyph wrote:
>> Even if we want a traceback, a TypeError on str/bytes seems like the wrong 
>> kind to have.  Please file a bug (and open a PR, if you can :-)).
>> -g
> Investigating I would say that with all the possibilities to configure
> for the moduli file to be found it is my fault to not have configured it
> properly for all the platforms I wanted to deploy to. On the other hand
> the basic assumption that moduli lives on BSDs in the /usr/local/etc/ssh
> directory seems now to become outdated, so the only change would be
> changing the default search location for the moduli file which again
> seems not to be warranted.
> Mahalo, Werner

There are a bunch of tickets you could file here:

Fixing the search path to comport with modern standards
Automatically generating a new one in a writable location if none exists
Better handle the case where it really truly doesn't exist and can't be 
generated (read-only filesystem or no readily discoverable, secure read/write 

and in fact probably all of these are valid :)


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