On 3/5/21 13:54, Glyph wrote:

>> On Mar 5, 2021, at 3:24 AM, Colin Watson <cjwat...@debian.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 04, 2021 at 04:16:59PM -0800, Glyph wrote:
>>> There are a bunch of tickets you could file here:
>>> Fixing the search path to comport with modern standards
>>> Automatically generating a new one in a writable location if none exists
>>> Better handle the case where it really truly doesn't exist and can't be 
>>> generated (read-only filesystem or no readily discoverable, secure 
>>> read/write locations)
>>> and in fact probably all of these are valid :)
>> Probably not the second.  Generating a new set of suitable DH moduli
>> takes a while (IIRC hours) - it's not something you'd want to do as part
>> of any kind of interactive process.
> For what it's worth, `ssh-keygen -G` on my laptop took 2 and a half minutes, 
> `ssh-keygen -T` took 5.  It's slow, maybe even too slow for interactive use, 
> but not quite "hours".

Just reporting back that conch is now working for me, it was entirely my
fault configuring the server. There is quite a mixture of bytes and
strings to configure, now the mix is right and sessions come up ok no

Mahalo, Werner

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