To lighten the mood....

Twitter can you give us at least 48 hours notice before new bugs are created
so we know what unexpected responses to expect? KTHXBI!

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 15:30, Cameron Kaiser <> wrote:

> > > > In the mean time, can you give us some kind of heads up (ideally a
> > > > couple days warning or something) if you are planning to make a
> change
> > > > that could, as soon as it goes live, break an app? _So we can try to
> > > > be ready for it when you flip the switch :)
> > >
> > > But they *do* do this. Stuff slips through, but the API staff has been
> > > trying to keep ahead of future compatibility breaks, even with
> aggressive
> > > subject lines line "INCOMPATIBILITY WARNING: x", at least from my
> > > third-party I-don't-work-for-Twitter perspective.
> >
> > Cameron, this has already been mentioned in several other threads, but
> > compare a couple of XML results:
> >
> >
> >
> > You'll see the behavior is erratic and we can't get consistent results
> > for any ids; the entire XML version of the API seems to have crashed
> > over the past couple days.
> Did you also see Alex's replies where they're working on it?
> --
> ------------------------------------ personal:
> --
>   Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
> -- Spotted on a coffee mug: "Say NO to drugs" -- Chuck Reiman, r.h.f
> ----------

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