Calm it down or I will turn this thread around SO FAST ;)  I think the
discussion's over, all.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 14:09, Stut <> wrote:
> On 11 Dec 2008, at 21:56, itcn wrote:
>>> shrugs<
>> I love when people wander into a discussion without having read any of
>> the history, ask a question specifically to start a fight, and then
>> act like they're the hero for stopping the drama they started.
>> kthxbai
> I love it when someone doesn't remember what they themselves have said.
> From your first message in this thread...
> "Our entire Twitter-based website and
> application has been dead in the water since the API was changed
> abruptly 3 days ago and stopped supporting users/show XML requests.
> It was working fine before Tuesday; had we had some advance notice
> that the Twitter API would no longer support XML we could have
> switched to JSON or found another solution."
> Cameron was simply pointing out that the issue you called an API change is a
> bug, was not foreseeable and that the Twitter guys have acknowledged it and
> are working on a fix. Yet you continue to complain about it. And nobody has
> ever suggested that the Twitter API will stop supporting XML, you pulled
> that out of your ...!
> -Stut
> --
>> On Dec 11, 4:48 pm, Cameron Kaiser <> wrote:
>>>>>> You'll see the behavior is erratic and we can't get consistent results
>>>>>> for any ids; the entire XML version of the API seems to have crashed
>>>>>> over the past couple days.
>>>>> Did you also see Alex's replies where they're working on it?
>>>> Yes I did, that's why I wish you would have read the other threads
>>>> where it was mentioned before questioning me on it.
>>> With all due respect, they're aware of the bug, they're fixing the bug,
>>> and
>>> you still want to complain about it. This is degenerating into noise, so
>>> yes,
>>> I'm not sure what the point of continuing to complain about it is.
>>> --
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> personal:
>>>  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems **
>>> -- "I'd love to go out with you, but I need to clean my toilet brush."
>>> --------

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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