2009/1/2 Ed Finkler <funkat...@gmail.com>:
> I think Scoble likes to hear himself talk, and loves to stir up drama.
> It's how he keeps people paying attention to him.
> I'd find more reputable sources for that argument.

Whilst there's an element of truth in your statement (just about all
of the prominent tech bloggers remain prominent by stirring up drama),
lots of people have been saying similar things for a long time.  Ad
hominem attacks don't change the fact that the message is right. You
could start here : http://adactio.com/journal/1357 .

I think we all understand, however, that the twitter engineering team
first needed to make twitter stable before they could add features
like this one.  Now that they've largely done that, it appears they're
responding to demand for features like this one, which is great news.


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