
Do you have a guess as to how long the closed beta will last? I did
not apply to be a tester, but just in the last 24h, a project has
cropped up that would benefit from OAuth. I'm guessing 2 weeks barring
crazy talk?

On 2/11/09, Matt Sanford <> wrote:
> And now for what I forgot,
>      During this closed beta we recommend very strongly that you not
> do general software releases using the feature.  If we find any
> security or performance problems we will need to turn off OAuth and I
> don't want to break your apps. Your app can sign up users who are not
> in the closed beta but since this is really a focus on getting
> feedback please try and limit the audience to people who you feel can
> provide some feedback.
> Thanks;
>    — Matt Sanford
> On Feb 11, 2009, at 02:04 PM, Matt Sanford wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>>   Some of you are in the OAuth closed beta and some are not. I know
>> that's frustrating but we need to start small so we aren't buried in
>> feature requests and bugs all at once. Our intention is to discuss
>> the OAuth progress on this main API Google group
>> (
>> ). If the discussion gets in the way of the normal group operation
>> please speak up and we can always move it off to a new Google group
>> of its own.
>>   With all of that in mind we just launched the closed beta switch.
>> If you're one of the 150 or so people included in the closed beta
>> your settings page ( now
>> contains a "Connections" tab. In the sidebar is a little information
>> and a link to register your very own application. When you register
>> a new application it will begin as suspended. You'll have the
>> technical details (the key and secret) you need to get started but
>> one of the Twitter admins will have to approve the application. It
>> is not our intention to leave this in place forever but during these
>> early application registrations we need to monitor things. Please
>> use real descriptions and meaningful names, since that' what we'll
>> have to go on. Especially meaningful names.
>>   During the closed beta we're looking for feedback. The Google
>> group is good for discussing general issues and experiences but the
>> Google code issues are the best place for bugs and enhancements
>> (
>>  if you don't already know). I added a new milestone of "OAuth", so
>> please mark any bugs with the correct milestone. When you report
>> issues try to be specific about the problem, especially in how to
>> reproduce it. It would also save us some time reviewing if you mark
>> enhancements with "Type-Enhancement"in the appropriate box.
>> Thanks;
>> — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford

Aaron Brazell
phone:: 410-608-6620
skype:: technosailor
twitter:: @technosailor

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