And the first bugs is …

That some of you are not seeing the new "Connections" tab. It looks like a minor bug in the code that does the beta access check (which was new, never done a closed beta before). We're working on a fix now and will send it out with tomorrows morning deploy. I'll update the list once it's out.

Sorry about that;
  — Matt Sanford

On Feb 11, 2009, at 02:16 PM, Matt Sanford wrote:

And now for what I forgot,

During this closed beta we recommend very strongly that you not do general software releases using the feature. If we find any security or performance problems we will need to turn off OAuth and I don't want to break your apps. Your app can sign up users who are not in the closed beta but since this is really a focus on getting feedback please try and limit the audience to people who you feel can provide some feedback.

  — Matt Sanford

On Feb 11, 2009, at 02:04 PM, Matt Sanford wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Some of you are in the OAuth closed beta and some are not. I know that's frustrating but we need to start small so we aren't buried in feature requests and bugs all at once. Our intention is to discuss the OAuth progress on this main API Google group ( ). If the discussion gets in the way of the normal group operation please speak up and we can always move it off to a new Google group of its own.

With all of that in mind we just launched the closed beta switch. If you're one of the 150 or so people included in the closed beta your settings page ( now contains a "Connections" tab. In the sidebar is a little information and a link to register your very own application. When you register a new application it will begin as suspended. You'll have the technical details (the key and secret) you need to get started but one of the Twitter admins will have to approve the application. It is not our intention to leave this in place forever but during these early application registrations we need to monitor things. Please use real descriptions and meaningful names, since that' what we'll have to go on. Especially meaningful names.

During the closed beta we're looking for feedback. The Google group is good for discussing general issues and experiences but the Google code issues are the best place for bugs and enhancements ( if you don't already know). I added a new milestone of "OAuth", so please mark any bugs with the correct milestone. When you report issues try to be specific about the problem, especially in how to reproduce it. It would also save us some time reviewing if you mark enhancements with "Type-Enhancement"in the appropriate box.

— Matt Sanford / @mzsanford

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