There is always json.

Perhaps Twitter will consider implementing Protocol Buffers.

Google uses this lightweight protocol internally:
I don't know how it compares to json performance wise though.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 19:14, Jeffrey Greenberg

> My app ( fetches friends and followers for a given
> user with the following pair of calls, done one immediately after the
> other:
> They take quite a while on large users (understandably up to a 2-3megs
> of data via XML encoding), but worse they often fail with a 502 error.
> It's easy to see on user barackobama and less frequently as you go
> down the top 10 lists... e.g. on ev ... somewhere around 200k
> followers it's less frequent
> Can this be addressed on your side?
> BTW: I want this data pretty fresh and I'd like to avoid duplicating
> the Twitter DB, so I'm wanting to avoid caching these calls... still I
> can imagine caching as viable just to improve the performance of
> transferring the large ist   Nonetheless, since you are deep into
> facing massive data growth, I'm wondering if there are any interesting
> alternatives to a scheme that transfers something other than XML, one
> that pack more data/byte?....
> Thanks
> Jeffrey

Abraham Williams |
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