Thanks for the feedback; right now you can get at the response in
instance.Root.Response (where instance is your FluentTwitter query),
which will give you the instance of the last response returned. I'll
look at this closer (unless you have a patch already of course).


On Mar 3, 11:28 am, Paul Kinlan <> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I am using tweet# a lot, and it would be good if you catch the 503 error
> status on the rate limited requests (including the Retry-After header in the
> response), I have had to implement it in tweet# for our product.
> Kind Regards,
> Paul
> 2009/3/3 Dimebrain <>
> > I have experienced sending search requests out which return a plain
> > string, rather than JSON representing a twitter error. It's this:
> > "You have been rate limited. Enhance your calm."
> > a) What is the rate limiting based on, IP or client? What is the
> > limit? I develop a Twitter library (tweetsharp) and by default I send
> > the tweet# credentials along with the call. If this means that anyone
> > using my library will be rate limited because of that header
> > information, I need to know so I can force my users to provide their
> > own credentials so that the library isn't unusable in this area, and
> > b) Can we get his as XML, JSON and not a plain string?

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