I'll log your message here as an issue and see what I can do. And as
far as WebException is concerned, you can just cast its Response
property to HttpWebResponse rather than go digging in the header.
That's exactly what I do to retrieve the root's Response object. So
that means you can just cast that to
HttpWebResponse and get the StatusCode.

if(instance.Root.Response != null && instance.Root.Response is
    var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)instance.Root.Response;
    var statusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode;

    if(statusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable) { // ... }

or on your own:

catch (WebException ex)
    if (ex.Response != null && ex.Response is HttpWebResponse)
        return ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;

On Mar 3, 1:06 pm, Paul Kinlan <paul.kin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thats pretty much where I am handling the 503, my client code intercepts the
> exception and then inspects the header.  The other thing I noticed, and it
> is probably not best on this list is that you use WebRequest which raises a
> WebException, and you can't get the 503 out of it easily (at least from what
> I understand), where as HttpWebRequest raises HttpWebException which you can
> directly check for a 503 error.
> Anyway, I really enjoy using Tweet# and if any .Net devs out there need a
> .Net Twitter library this is the one I recommend.
> Paul
> 2009/3/3 Dimebrain <daniel.cre...@gmail.com>
> > Thanks for the feedback; right now you can get at the response in
> > instance.Root.Response (where instance is your FluentTwitter query),
> > which will give you the instance of the last response returned. I'll
> > look at this closer (unless you have a patch already of course).
> > Daniel
> > On Mar 3, 11:28 am, Paul Kinlan <paul.kin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Daniel,
> > > I am using tweet# a lot, and it would be good if you catch the 503 error
> > > status on the rate limited requests (including the Retry-After header in
> > the
> > > response), I have had to implement it in tweet# for our product.
> > > Kind Regards,
> > > Paul
> > > 2009/3/3 Dimebrain <daniel.cre...@gmail.com>
> > > > I have experienced sending search requests out which return a plain
> > > > string, rather than JSON representing a twitter error. It's this:
> > > > "You have been rate limited. Enhance your calm."
> > > > a) What is the rate limiting based on, IP or client? What is the
> > > > limit? I develop a Twitter library (tweetsharp) and by default I send
> > > > the tweet# credentials along with the call. If this means that anyone
> > > > using my library will be rate limited because of that header
> > > > information, I need to know so I can force my users to provide their
> > > > own credentials so that the library isn't unusable in this area, and
> > > > b) Can we get his as XML, JSON and not a plain string?

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