On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Matt Sanford <m...@twitter.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
>     We've talked about this among the search folks a few times. We exclude
> a bunch of bots and things from influencing trends but then they still get
> displayed. I just opened a ticket for someone to fix that so we can exclude
> the trend bots using a parameter or search operator.
>     As far as if this is the correct place for search or not, I think it
> is. If other Twitter API developers disagree please let me know and I'll
> start a second group. From my perspective keeping up with one is easier for
> me to manage … and we're planning to merge the APIs in the next version of
> the API.

It would be terrific if users could self-identify as bots and that data
became part of the user profile.  Although I'm sure that many people would
not bother, we'd at least know that some of them definitively are bots. My
bots self-identify in their description, which people seem to appreciate.

Hmm.  Maybe it would be far easier to simply encourage a hashtag in the
description - how about #bot?  That's something we could do now, without
Twitter having to make any code changes.  Thoughts?


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