Hi Adam,

What was the request? the error looks more like a problem with your
client fetching rather than with our side - the API has had zero
downtime, just check an example link e.g.

On Mar 5, 2:03 pm, Adam <1ju...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 5, 8:30 am, Nick Halstead <nickhalst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > We have every single short url + long url that is posted on twitter,
> > we take the whole firehose, there are outages at times with the
> > firehose so sometimes we still miss bits, but coverage is very high.
> Hi Nick,
> I'm struggling to even connect to your API. This is the error I get:
> msxml3.dll error 'c00ce56e'
> System error: -1072896658.
> Any ideas?
> Adam

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