Come on guys, simmer down. I completely agree with the teach a man to fish
philosophy. If you see someone new, direct them to resources to help
themselves. Sometimes it is hand-holding that is appropriate, other times
it's teaching.

To the original question, we are shortly deprecating the ability to register
for source parameters [1].

If you already have a source parameter, you pass the parameter name as the
value of the HTTP header parameter 'source'.

The best thing to do would be to scour the archives here. As the sentiment
above illustrates, this has been discussed many times in the past [2].


Doug Williams
Twitter API Support

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Andrew Badera <> wrote:

> Wow, you really are quite clueless, aren't you? Feel free to reply when you
> actually understand my words. In the meantime, try occupying yourself
> educationally by reading the FAQ and API docs before asking any more silly
> questions on this list, creating more noise.
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:02 AM, K.A.Noorani <>wrote:
>> LoL...
>> Mr. Andy Badera! It seems you have never used TweetDeck or Seesmic or
>> PeopleBrowsr or FriendFeed or TwitterFox that's why you've said like
>> that.  Please if you don't know any thing then don't term it as
>> impossible.
>> Is any there anyone else who can guide me?
>> On Apr 9, 6:50 pm, Andrew Badera <> wrote:
>> > Unpossible! Can't not do it!
>> >
>> > Thanks-
>> > - Andy Badera
>> > -
>> > - Google me:
>> >
>> > Sent from Albany, NY, United States
>> >
>> > On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:24 AM, K.A.Noorani <
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > I've been developing a web-based twitter application in PHP that uses
>> > > Arc90 PHP Twitter API Client (
>> > > php_twitter_api_client.php<
>> > > The only thing that is making me crazy
>> > > that when I submit a tweet from my application it puts "from web" and
>> > > the end, but what I need is that it should put "from Foo" where Foo
>> > > represents the name of my application and clicking on Foo should take
>> > > the user to my website, like the other twitter applications such as
>> > > TweetDeck, Seesmic, etc do. I would like to tell you that in the API
>> > > client that I am using, there is a parameter of "source" in the class
>> > > constructor and I've tried passing "<a href=''
>> > > target='_blank'>Foo</a>" but still it shows "web" instead of "Foo".
>> > > Do I have to pass something really special in the source parameter?
>> > > Any Ideas?
>> > > Thanks in advance!

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