Hi Dough,

I do have my source parameter registered, however when i do a post and
set the source parameter, it still displays as "web"
Ive tried various source parameters, and sometimes it translates to
some random URL on github.com !
advise please...

On Apr 9, 12:42 pm, Doug Williams <d...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Come on guys, simmer down. I completely agree with the teach a man to fish
> philosophy. If you see someone new, direct them to resources to help
> themselves. Sometimes it is hand-holding that is appropriate, other times
> it's teaching.
> To the original question, we are shortly deprecating the ability to register
> for source parameters [1].
> If you already have a source parameter, you pass the parameter name as the
> value of the HTTP header parameter 'source'.
> The best thing to do would be to scour the archives here. As the sentiment
> above illustrates, this has been discussed many times in the past [2].
> 1.http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_frm/th...
> 2.http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/search?group=...
> Doug Williams
> Twitter API Supporthttp://twitter.com/dougw
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Andrew Badera <and...@badera.us> wrote:
> > Wow, you really are quite clueless, aren't you? Feel free to reply when you
> > actually understand my words. In the meantime, try occupying yourself
> > educationally by reading the FAQ and API docs before asking any more silly
> > questions on this list, creating more noise.
> > On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:02 AM, K.A.Noorani 
> > <khurramnoor...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> LoL...
> >> Mr. Andy Badera! It seems you have never used TweetDeck or Seesmic or
> >> PeopleBrowsr or FriendFeed or TwitterFox that's why you've said like
> >> that.  Please if you don't know any thing then don't term it as
> >> impossible.
> >> Is any there anyone else who can guide me?
> >> On Apr 9, 6:50 pm, Andrew Badera <and...@badera.us> wrote:
> >> > Unpossible! Can't not do it!
> >> > Thanks-
> >> > - Andy Badera
> >> > - and...@badera.us
> >> > - Google me:http://www.google.com/search?q=andrew+badera
> >> > Sent from Albany, NY, United States
> >> > On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:24 AM, K.A.Noorani <khurramnoor...@gmail.com
> >> >wrote:
> >> > > I've been developing a web-based twitter application in PHP that uses
> >> > > Arc90 PHP Twitter API Client (http://lab.arc90.com/2008/06/
> >> > > php_twitter_api_client.php<
> >>http://lab.arc90.com/2008/06/%0Aphp_twitter_api_client.php>).
> >> > > The only thing that is making me crazy
> >> > > that when I submit a tweet from my application it puts "from web" and
> >> > > the end, but what I need is that it should put "from Foo" where Foo
> >> > > represents the name of my application and clicking on Foo should take
> >> > > the user to my website, like the other twitter applications such as
> >> > > TweetDeck, Seesmic, etc do. I would like to tell you that in the API
> >> > > client that I am using, there is a parameter of "source" in the class
> >> > > constructor and I've tried passing "<a href='http://www.foo.com'
> >> > > target='_blank'>Foo</a>" but still it shows "web" instead of "Foo".
> >> > > Do I have to pass something really special in the source parameter?
> >> > > Any Ideas?
> >> > > Thanks in advance!

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