Hi Bob

What functionality would the group management tool provide? Would you be
able to send tweets directly to a group, for example? Isn't that
functionality already in tweetdeck? I'm confused.


On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:41 AM, subbob <sub...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been considering the usefulness of a Group Management application
> for TweetDeck.  This application would directly manipulate TweetDeck's
> SQLite database.
> The application would address the following problem:
> Each time you create a group using the TweetDeck interface, the user
> selection panel shows everyone you follow. I'd rather see a list of
> "those not already assigned to a group", so that as I create groups,
> that list shrinks until it is empty.  (i.e. everyone is assigned to
> one group or another)
> Prior to starting this project, I wanted to see if anyone else is
> already working on something like this, or perhaps already has
> developed such a tool?
> Also, has anyone developed other applications that directly interfaced
> with TweetDeck's SQLite database?

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