There are multiple bits set for accounts that control various levels
of access and all kinds of folderol. It's complicated and for mostly
understandable reasons, purposefully opaque. Search and Hosebird
currently have identical access rules, but that's subject to change.

In this case, it appears that everything is working by the rules, if
not also by design. These two concepts are not always in alignment!

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter, Inc.

On Jun 5, 10:09 am, Chad Etzel <> wrote:
> Hi John, et al.
> I have been playing with the /follow streams and noticed that some
> users' updates don't appear at all.  This was really confounding for
> quite a while.  Then I noticed that using the search API to search for
> "from:user" returned no recent results.
> An example is @KimSherrell.  I have been trying to get her updates in
> the /follow stream (she posts *a lot*) as a way to verify that it is
> working.  Lo and behold her most recent entry in the Search API is
> from 5 days ago:
> I know there is some administrative bit on the accounts that
> determines whether a user will be indexed by Search; is this same bit
> used to determine whether their updates will go out on the Hosebird
> streams?  If so, may I ask why?
> Thanks!
> -Chad

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