It seems from the examples, but not explicitly stated anywhere, that
the values of the following and followed_by items are booleans,
implying that a user either is or is not following another user.

While at first blush that seems true, I think in reality the situation
is a little more complicated, especially if you consider protected

I would propose that these items be enumerations, with the following
values and meanings:
- "yes": user A, say, is following user B;
- "no": user A is not following user B, has not requested the
relationship, and is not blocked from doing so;
- "pending": user A has requested to follow (protected) user B, but B
has not yet accepted, rejected, or blocked the request; and
- "blocked": user A requested to follow (protected) user B, but B
blocked the request.

What I'm looking for here is parity, if you will, between the data and
facilities that are available to the web site and to API
users. This is one place where there was not parity, and we have the
opportunity to now get it.

Comments expected, welcome, and appreciated.

Jim Renkel

On Jun 9, 1:13 pm, Damon Clinkscales <> wrote:
> If you're going to redefine the way that follow information is
> returned, I believe that it should include the effect of "protected"
> accounts on both sides of the follow equation.
> Thanks,
> -damon
> --
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Marcel Molina<> wrote:
> > Thanks for the suggestion Chad.
> > What do others think of
> > {"relationship": {
> >  "source": {
> >    "id": 123,
> >    "screen_name": "bob",
> >    "notifications": false },
> >  "target": {
> >    "id": 456,
> >    "screen_name": "jack",
> >    "notifications": null },
> >  "source_follows_target": true,
> >  "source_followed_by_target": false
> > }
> > }
> > versus
> > {"relationship": {
> > "source": {
> > "id": 123,
> > "screen_name": "bob",
> > "following": true,
> > "followed_by": false,
> > "notifications_enabled": false },
> > "target": {
> > "id": 456,
> > "screen_name": "jack",
> > "following": false,
> > "followed_by": true,
> > "notifications_enabled": null }
> > }
> > }

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