I have read that document. Like I said in my initial post - I have
read the tutorials and FAQs.

Furthermore - I have converted a C# Class that utilises OAuth C# Base
Class to VB.NET without a hitch.

It works just fine - the only problem is that it is reaching a Login
prompt that is asking for credentials that I do not have.

A. Williams - did you even read my last post? I find it highly
ignorant of you to refer me to the guide when I have successfully
authenticated the OAuth procedure.

That said, will anyone who cares to read my posts reply with some
thing that is relevant and makes sense?

I have given all the URL's needed - the parameters I am passing to
Twitters oauth page - and I am getting a LOGIN PROMPT.

Read my previous posts for more information.

Kind regards,


On Jun 25, 7:23 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would recommend readinghttp://oauth.net/documentation/getting-startedso you 
> have a thorough
> understanding of how Oauth.
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:17, Obrzut<sa...@peyoteuk.com> wrote:
> > WOW! Thanks! I'll try that!
> > Just a side note - I extracted the URL and ran it thru a web browser -
> > then it started popping open a Username / Password box?
> > It stated;
> > The server twitter.com at Twitter API requires a username and
> > password.
> > What is all this about? I ask, because, my twitter username and
> > password do not work?
> > When I ran the URL via the web browser object in VB.NET the document
> > completed without any body of text. It just exited without a login
> > prompt. Nothing.
> > So, it seems the URL I am creating seems sound - as it created a Login
> > prompt in google Chrome. But, I dunno what credentials I require for
> > the login prompt?
> >http://twitter.com/oauth/access_token?oauth_version=1.0&oauth_nonce=2...
> > This is the URL I used to access the login prompt.
> > Any pointers?
> > On Jun 25, 6:04 pm, Bojan Rajkovic <boj...@brandeis.edu> wrote:
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >> Obrzut wrote:
> >> > "oauth_version=1.0&oauth_nonce=5048009&oauth_timestamp=1245948327&oauth_sig
> >> >  nature_method=HMAC-
> >> > SHA1&oauth_consumer_key=CgZiTeNqGk2c0eZSdb9qg&oauth_signature=vxFWk3JvGKdKI
> >> >  RYR31%2b2JC
> >> > %2bh30o%3d"
> >> > This is an example URL I am sending. Is there anything suspect you can
> >> > see just by looking at it?
> >> > It really would help me out no end.
> >> > Kind regards,
> >> > Obrzut
> >> You need to apply a lexicographical byte ordering to the OAuth
> >> parameters--that is, sort them alphabetically.
> >> I ran into this in the beginning, and scratched my head for a while
> >> until I read the OAuth standard.
> >> Cheers,
> >> - --
> >> Bojan Rajkovic <boj...@brandeis.edu>
> >> Biochemistry '10, Brandeis University
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> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
> Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
> Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
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