Show me these killer companies doing great NLP with social networks. I
find the ones that are doing stuff right now themselves are far behind
the curve and not really pushing stuff to the edge. They are often
marketing companies that have hired one NLP guy (and underpaid them)
and are just pushing the marketing side. I have yet to see anything
truly revolutionary come from most of these monitoring companies yet
and they are all too narrow focused. Plus, none of them have the VC
funding to really expand and grow (and not many people are getting new
funding these days)


On Jul 18, 3:29 am, "M. Edward (Ed) Borasky" <> wrote:
> On Jul 16, 1:14 pm, Stuart <> wrote:
> > Twitter have a business plan, we're just not worthy enough to know all
> > the details. What we know so far is that they're planning to launch a
> > premium account type with a bunch of tools to aid brand and engagement
> > tracking.
> I've got news for you ... Twitter itself is woefully behind the curve
> on monitoring / marketing / analytics technologies. Third parties are
> springing up daily with offerings in this area, many of them involving
> cutting-edge natural language processing. Twitter could obviously
> invest in these areas, but I'm not sure why they would, rather than
> focusing on stability, scalability and security of the underlying
> platform and messaging systems.
> Perhaps one way to "monetize" Twitter would be to implement a per-
> follower charge, say, free up to 2000 followers, then a small monthly
> fee up to 10,000, a larger fee up to 100,000 and so on. I haven't seen
> follower count distribution data recently, but I'd say that people
> with more than 2000 followers are rare and are probably using Twitter
> as a "push marketing / sales" platform in some sense. Of course, I'm
> at around 3500 followers at the moment, so I would be paying a monthly
> fee and would need to justify it as a business expense (or block about
> 1500 people, which isn't out of the question) ;-)

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