Thanks for the comments RandyC and Joshua Perry!

I just started a Twitter account so I could develop free Twitter apps
and tweet things I thought my friends would find interesting and in a
short period of time I gathered a few followers (more then I actually
expected). I don't know the "twitter etiquette" if I am suppose to
follow them back or only the ones I think have interesting tweets and
ones I do want to follow for the information they provide. It does not
bother me if people follow me for the information I tweet.

As for the Terms, I tend to take them literally and not read them as
"in the spirit of" or "read between the lines" so my bad if I
misinterpreted them but I would like to see an "official" response
from a Twitter rep if possible (for personal clarification). What you
say Joshua Perry does makes a lot of sense! :)

Thanks for the link RandyC I have re-read it:
*If you have followed and unfollowed people in a short time period (I
have not)
*If your updates consist mainly of links, and not personal updates; (I
do post links to things I think are interesting, but so does @mashable
and @Google etc, my friends do like the info. I tweet. If required I
can add more fluff like my cat is watching my fish, my cat meowed at
me and wants food, stuck in traffic etc to off set the links I post if
required, but looking at my followers so far I don't believe that
would interest them) I seriously did not mean that in any
condescending way at all. :)

@Andy Badera - Not to start a flame war, but are you implying I'm "an
inconsiderate spammer"? I assure you there is a real person here and
not an automated bot making my posts, Also being a Google Trusted
Developer and one of their API Gurus (and friends with several Google
Devs) I spend a lot of time helping developers with APIs and Mashups
(and would like to do the same in the Twitter Dev community, and make
friends here also) and if you check my groups profile you will see I
have a pretty decent rating far from which would suggest that I am a
spammer of any kind. But if you feel the need to report me "an
inconsiderate spammer" well, what ever floats your boat man.

I do appreciate what your saying about the spam bots though and I
don't like getting spam followers any more then anyone else, I assure
you that was not what my comments were regarding. I took the terms
post as being literally translated (like how a legal team would read
it) and if Twitter states un-following people is a violation of their
terms well I'm sorry but I did interpret it as being such. I ask for
clarification then for the record.

Best regards everyone,
Vision Jinx
(Please forgive the length of my reply and any negative connotations I
may have given off earlier)

On Jul 24, 12:15 pm, Joshua Perry <> wrote:
> Think about a bot who just bulk follows random people, it then would
> kept track of users who didn't blindly or automatically follow back and
> dump them quickly and try following another batch of users so that it
> wouldn't bust it's follow ratio limit. Using this strategy a bot could
> eventually build a very large following/followers list for someone while
> still keeping it's ratio within the boundaries set.
> I believe that the second part of that term is to protect against this
> scenario.
> Vision Jinx wrote:
> > What?
> > Re: "as well as following and unfollowing those who don't follow back,
> > are both violations of our terms of service."
> > What gives Twitter the right to dictate who you want to follow or not?
> > That is like Gmail saying you can't remove contacts from your contacts
> > list. When I signed up it suggested a list of people to follow but I
> > didn't find the tweets interesting so I un-followed them (they didn't
> > follow me back, but that was not the reason I un-followed them). I
> > should have the right to decide who I want to follow or not unless
> > Twitter is under a communist regime? Is there also a term that if
> > someone posts a link I have to click it also?
> > I also followed iGoogle for a while but didn't find the tweets that
> > interesting so I un-followed them, they never followed me back, so if
> > Twitter wants to delete my account (for TOS violations) then fine go a
> > head, do so right now then, but I feel it is my right to decide who I
> > do and do not want to follow and that will not change. They need to
> > post a message when you sign up that you are not allowed to un-follow
> > people. Why is there even that option then?
> > Regards,
> > Vision Jinx
> > @visionjinx
> > (In case Twitter wants to delete my account for feeling I have the
> > right to decide who I follow, fine then do it now.) I also, un-
> > followed someone because they kept posting the same tweets over again
> > so who's the bigger offender there then?
> > On Jul 24, 10:22 am, Dewald Pretorius <> wrote:
> >> On Twitter's new site,, under the heading
> >> Best Practices, the following is listed as a spamming practice:
> >> "Following churn: Following and unfollowing the same people
> >> repeatedly, as well as following and unfollowing those who don't
> >> follow back, are both violations of our terms of service."
> >> Take note devs, the "...unfollowing those who don't follow back..."
> >> statement is posing a risk for any of your apps that do bulk unfollow.
> >> On that point, I would like to get clear guidance from Twitter whether
> >> unfollowing someone who has stopped following you, i.e., unfollowed
> >> you first, would also constitute a violation of Twitter terms.

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