Thanks for the post.
Here are my suggestions:
- Please make 'concrete' API examples(few POSTs and few GETs)  with
actual requests.
-  Make a list common-mistakes that a developer might make while he
develops twitter appln(you know.. encoding, not-double-encoding, use
additional-params-for-signature-generation-if-any etc)
- A oauth sandbox where it throws "precise errors/feedbacks" for
developers to debug and test their apps would be very helpful as well.

On Jul 28, 10:57 am, Marcel Molina <mar...@twitter.com> wrote:
> As many of you have since learned, we deployed an unannounced security fix
> that has resulted in unexpected failures for quite a few developers using
> OAuth. A developer reported to us that OAuth signatures were not being
> verified on our side. The fix was implemented and pushed on Sunday then
> deployed yesterday. Once the fix was in the wild many applications started
> returning Invalid Signature errors. Our various successful tests seem to
> indicate that the signature verification is implemented correctly and yet
> many people are experiencing errors. So what's going on?
> One of the main problems seems to be that many OAuth libraries appear to not
> be generating correctly signed requests. It's likely that Twitter's
> implementation was used to test out many of these libraries when they were
> being implemented. Without the correct signature check, it appeared to these
> developers that their libraries were implementing the spec correctly. For
> this confusion we must take at least partial blame.
> The following email from Simon in the UK seems to indicate absent url
> encoding and decoding is a likely culprit in many of these libraries:
> "I don't myself think that twitter are doing anything more than
> enforcing the standard. I spent 3 hours 'fixing' my code for our
> application (uses Shannon Whitley's c# library as a base); I only
> found two bugs in thelibrary that caused any problem... the use of
> httputility.urlencode in place of the modified urlencode already
> implemented for use with Oauth, as required by the spec... the library
> just wasn't using it in two places.
> Following that, I found I was passing some bad strings to the
> library... so the methods in it were not urldecoding and re-
> urlencoding the postdata as required to get it to meet the spec. Once
> I fixed that also, all seems good.
> So if our app now posts all data fine over Oauth, it suggests that
> twitter's interface is OK?"
> There are at least several things we could have done better in dealing with
> this:
> * We should have, it goes without saying, had more extensive test coverage
> of our implementation ensuring that we were fully implementing the spec so
> that the whole situation would have been avoided in the first place.
> * We should have had an email prepared to send out immediately following the
> deploy explaining the vulnerability and the change that was deployed,
> encouraging developers to double check that their signatures were in fact
> being generated correctly.
> We left a lot of people guessing for half a day, in many cases probably
> frantically trying to fix mysterious failures in their apps. For that we
> must admit guilt. We hadn't anticipated that so many libraries might have
> not been generating signatures correctly. As a result it didn't occur to us
> to urgently send out details, assuming fully implemented libraries would
> continue to work transparently and malicious requests would start to fail.
> We had been focusing our efforts first and foremost on getting the fix
> implemented and deployed to protect everyone. Lesson learned. We'll take
> this experience with us and bring it to bear next time such a situation
> arises.
> We're going to do a post-mortem on our side to identify all the things we
> should have done better. We've read all of your feedback about how this
> could have been done better. To everyone who has chimed into this thread
> offering details and help, we extend our thanks.
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > If you are encoding properly according to:
> >http://oauth.net/core/1.0a#encoding_parametersand it still fails to
> > update post and update to
> >http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/entryand make Twitter fix it.
> > I've not double checked to verify but "!" should encode to "%21" and then
> > it should work.
> > Abraham
> > On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:06, Duane Roelands 
> > <duane.roela...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> Yeah, that's what I'm doing as well.
> >> I wish Twitter would give us some answers.
> >> I can post a tweet is the text is "test"
> >> If I try to post "test!", it fails.  Something about the encoding of
> >> non-alphanumeric characters is part of the problem.  But, because
> >> Twitter isn't talking, all we can do is guess.
> >> On Jul 28, 12:52 pm, Cristovão Morgado <cristovao.morg...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > I use this implementation:
> >>http://www.codingthewheel.com/archives/codingthetweet
> >> > works flawlessly!
> >> > On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Duane Roelands <
> >> duane.roela...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> > > My stuff is based on Shannon Whitley's as well.  Do you mind sharing
> >> > > where specifically you had to make the changes?
> >> > > On Jul 28, 11:40 am, Zaudio <si...@z-audio.co.uk> wrote:
> >> > > > I don't myself think that twitter are doing anything more than
> >> > > > enforcing the standard. I spent 3 hours 'fixing' my code for our
> >> > > > application (uses Shannon Whitley's c# library as a base); I only
> >> > > > found two bugs in thelibrary that caused any problem... the use of
> >> > > > httputility.urlencode in place of the modified urlencode already
> >> > > > implemented for use with Oauth, as required by the spec... the
> >> library
> >> > > > just wasn't using it in two places.
> >> > --
> >> > Cristovao Morgado
> >> > aka Saintrhttp://www.oMeuJogoUsado.comhttp://www.TweetaPorSMS.comhttp://
> >> twitter.com/TheSaintr
> > --
> > Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
> > Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
> > Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
> > This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> --
> Marcel Molina
> Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/noradio

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