Oh yes!!! The methods which didn't work were sent by plain HTTP and
the other methods that work ok were using HTTPS.... didn't mind!!

Now, all methods are working on HTTPS, and all are working properly!!
Sure, it seams the solution is use HTTPS


On Jul 30, 10:16 pm, AlbertC <compl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know if this will help at all, but I had the same
> problem...after hours spent on this stupid error, I realized that some
> of my request URLs were using http, and some https.
> After changing all the request URLs to https, everything's working
> perfectly (I'm using exactly the same client library). It does make
> all kinds of sense.
> Regular http requests worked fine before, though.
> It's probably been mentioned before. If so, I missed it, sorry. :)
> On Jul 30, 12:03 pm, Andreu <andreup...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I read this discussion carefully and I cannot extract a conclusion...
> > The question is why a set of API methods are working and others aren't
> > working properly, returning a 'Incorrect signature' error.
> > Methods working now:
> > - posting a tweet (statuses/update). Works fine
> > - extract user timeline (statuses/user_timeline). Works fine either
> > the request is made by the authenticated user (user requesting his own
> > timeline) or requesting a 3rd user timeline
> > - verify credentials (account/verify_credentials). Works fine.
> > Methods not working:
> > - delete a tweet (statuses/destroy).
> > - destroy a relationship (friendships/destroy)
> > - create a relationship (friendships/create)
> > - extract friends timeline (statuses/friends_timeline)
> > All methods are relying over the same base python method, building the
> > same requests changing the API urls and/or parameters... The library I
> > am using ishttp://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/python/oauth/oauth.py
> > I think if server signature verification have been modified, and now
> > is running 'properly', all my methods should fail, especially the
> > methods that authentication is required... but the problem is ones are
> > working and others not working.

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