Can anyone guess how long it will take for this problem to be fixed..
Apps totally dependent on the api are suffering very badly... lot of
revenue loss also...

On Aug 8, 6:37 pm, Neeraj Mathur <> wrote:
> I just can't believe this is for real...
> On Aug 8, 2009, at 5:07 PM, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> > On 8/8/09 8:03 PM, chinaski007 wrote:
> >> If itself were down, you know that they would stay there
> >> until it was back up.
> >> But since it is just a large number of third party apps that are
> >> down... well, hey, it's a weekend in August!
> > Uh, my ability to access has been severely degraded  
> > throughout the day.  It's not just third-party apps that are down.
> > I guess this is the one "good" thing about Twitter not having a real  
> > revenue model in place: they don't have to measure downtime in  
> > "dollars lost per hour" so there's really no actual pressure,  
> > compared to working for other companies that do and will FIRE YOUR  
> > ASS for outage like this.
> > --
> > Dossy Shiobara              | |
> > Panoptic Computer Network   |
> >  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
> >    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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