
I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?

So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.

So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
actually works you see.

I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
a last resort.

I now understand the API authentication procedure a lot more now - and
remember the mistakes I was making previously. I might be able to
actually code a working class in VB.nET now with my expanded knowledge
of the OAuth authentication procedure.

But, in the meantime, any one know of a good API for VB.NET to use in
the form of a DLL that is Open Source too? This is because I'd really
like to take a look at working OAuth/Twitter API code in visual
basic .net 2005.

Thank you in advance.


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