
That is version 0.3 - I'm using 0.1!

I cannot use 0,3 - as for log4net - isn't that a Linux thing? I'm
coding under Visual Studio in XP.

I googled log4net - and Apache links came up? What the hell?

Also, I tried using Twitter.API.Authentication.GetAccessToken and it

Then I tried modifying my code further to use
Twitter.API.Authentication.GetAuthorisationLink() and it gives a 401.

So, basically, the DLL version 0.1 should be trashed. I know version
0.3 works like you said but I do not have the files required to use

Overall, this has been a disappointing evening. I've spent the last
three days coding this app using Rajkovic's DLL and got the search to
work, follow to work, and update to work. Then I find I cannot post a
update with spaces!?

I mean, c'mon!

Oh, I also imported system.web and encoded the Hi Carla string with
and without the  + sign. No luck.

So, basically, I'm looking now for a working DLL for Visual Basic Net

Any suggestions?

On Aug 13, 11:25 pm, Bojan Rajkovic <severedcr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 6:11 PM, catcalls <g.obrzut3...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> > Oh - you really think that, eh? So how does RFC POST work again?
> > Are you really this thick?
> > I tried %20 too - it fails. Nothing works because the DLL that
> > Rackovic wrote is rubbish.
> If my DLL is rubbish, then how does this work:
> using Twitter.API;
> using OAuth;
> using System;
> using System.Net;
> using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
> public class NoCheckCertificatePolicy : ICertificatePolicy
> {
>     public bool CheckValidationResult (ServicePoint a, X509Certificate b,
> WebRequest c, int d)
>     {
>             return true;
>     }
> }
> class Test
> {
> static void Main (string[] args)
> {
> ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new NoCheckCertificatePolicy ();
> //Twitter.API.Preferences.Service.SupportsSSL = false;
> Twitter.API.Preferences.Authentication.OAuthAuthorizer = new OAuth.Twitter
> ("myConsumerKey", "myConsumerSecret");
> Twitter.API.Preferences.Debugging = true;
> Twitter.API.Preferences.Authentication.OAuthAuthorizer.Debugging = true;
> Console.WriteLine
> (Twitter.API.Preferences.Authentication.OAuthAuthorizer.GetAuthorizationLin k
> ());
> string pin = Console.ReadLine ();
> if (Twitter.API.Preferences.Authentication.OAuthAuthorizer.GetAccessToken
> (int.Parse (pin)))
> Twitter.API.REST.Statuses.Update ("Testing status updates.", 0);
> }
> }
> That produced this tweet without any 
> issues:http://twitter.com/bojanrajkovic/status/3295247812

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