On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 7:08 AM, Nicole Simon<nee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 22:26, Kevin Mesiab <ke...@mesiablabs.com> wrote:
>> The interaction seems unintuitive and redundant for users who have
>> already granted our application 'trust' by installing it.
> I can't understand this notion.
> Every single day users are sheep enough to do stupid things -
> they just need to be guided to do so. And then they will follow.
> Every single day (especially the normal users) install dozens of apps on
> facebook
> without even thinking about that box in the middle nor reading it. And 'the
> experienced
> ones' who teach the sheeps make sure that "never use your password" gets
> drilled
> into their heads.
> Before there was no alternative. Now there is a better way.From now it is
> "password?
> BAD. Using without password and authorize with twitter: good!"
> Yes, they have granted you the trust of installing it, but could you please
> set the
> mindset to the goal? "as part of our x step installation step, this is what
> is going to happen:
> - download app
> - install app
> - test app
> - now the fun part: making sure you get the best ou tof this experience and
> connect it with
> twitter itself, and this is how it looks. We are using the secure process
> where you
> do not need to enter anywhere your password. we never ask for your password,
> because
> we are the good guys!
> - do this
> - do that
> and tada! you can start using our app! thanks for trusting us!"
> Where is the problem?
> It only is unintuitve when you make it as such. of course the above is too
> complicated,
> so the real steps only should be "3 easy steps to go - download, install,
> connect, use!" or something like it.
> But as long as you treat it as the ugly way you don't want to use, you will
> not make
> it easy on you.
> Nicole

Agreed. OAuth presents a standardized and centralized process, a
universal standard which users can become familiar with, rather than
any given app's arbritrary authorization mechanisms and actual levels
of trustability.

∞ Andy Badera
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