I think the number of "So how does whitelisting really work?" threads
that have taken place, and continue to take place on this list
indicate a lack of clarity in documentation. Perhaps someone from
Twitter can take the task of updating the rate limiting docs to more
explicitly spell out how it actually works?

Boaz - as the thread Srikanth referenced states, official word from
Twitter is that you get 20,000 calls per hour *per user* from your
whitelisted IP. (Of course, it's not that cut and dried - POSTs are
different than GETs are different than searches, but in a nutshell you
can expect to make 20,000 authenticated GETs per user per hour
regardless of how many simultaneous users are on your site if your IP
is whitelisted; they're not all sharing a single pool of 20,000

I'll leave it to you to decide if you need that or not. Most apps that
are just acting as a client probably don't, but there are some edge
cases where it's useful. For a long time I had no intentions of having
Ambeur whitelisted, but now there's a feature I want to offer my users
that I'll need it for, so I've applied.

And no, I'm not telling you what the feature is. ;)

On Aug 16, 1:22 pm, srikanth reddy <srikanth.yara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://groups.google.co.in/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thre...
> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Sam Street <sam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Necessary, for example, if you use a particular account to notify your
> > users of a certain event (sending them notifications). Large apps with
> > high traffic might need to send over 150 alerts from the bot account
> > per hour.
> > Im thinking it's also used for apps that try to deliver tweets in
> > 'realtime' by requesting the REST API very frequently rather than use
> > the streaming APIs.
> > Perhaps it's also used to make multiple requests to /users/show via a
> > cronjob that makes sure all the user's of the site have an up to date
> > profile image and background image cached. (If a user changes their
> > profile picture on Twitter, your cached URL 404's)
> > Anyway I've only used whitelisting for the first (notifying users when
> > they are tagged into photos - or when they are invited to events on
> > twappening.com)
> > -Sam @sampiclihttp://twicli.com
> > On Aug 16, 12:16 pm, boaz <sapirb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I am new to Twitter API and I am trying to understand whether I should
> > > apply for whitelisting my application. The documentation says:
> > > "IP whitelisting takes precedence to account rate limits. GET requests
> > > from a whitelisted IP address made on a user's behalf will be deducted
> > > from the whitelisted IP's limit, not the users. Therefore, IP-based
> > > whitelisting is a best practice for applications that request many
> > > users' data."
> > > However if for example 200 users are accessing twitter through my
> > > application in one hour, and each access from my app to twitter is
> > > done with the relevant end user as the twitter authenticated user, I
> > > can do 200*150=30000 API calls in one hours without whitelisting the
> > > IP address, which is more than the 20000 I could do with whitelisting.
> > > Can anyone give a counter example where whitelisting is absolutely
> > > necessary?
> > > Thank you,
> > > Boaz

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