Is anyone at Twitter going to look at this and get back with an update
or answer?

On Aug 16, 10:40 pm, Dewald Pretorius <> wrote:
> Ryan,
> I am having exactly the same issue as last Saturday and early Sunday.
> Low volume API calls go through, but the moment you make a lot of
> calls from the same IP address, you are completely blocked and get
> connection refused.
> Operations need to do the same that they did last Sunday, when they
> allowed high volume calls from white-listed IP addresses through the
> defenses.
> Dewald
> On Aug 16, 10:11 pm, Ryan Sarver <> wrote:
> > Dewald,
> > What exact issues are you having? Can you please provide packet dumps
> > or more information so we can debug?
> > Thanks, Ryan

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