On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:45 PM, subquark<subqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know where to start (or even the terms to search for)
> but . . .
> I would like to be able to send a tweet out on the completion of a
> form to my own account. A user fills out an ASP.NET form and when they
> submit the form, I would like my Twitter status to update and simply
> say "another form has been filed+tinyurl".  The tiny URL will always
> be the same.
> It would eventually be used in custom work we do for hotels and their
> Request For Proposal pages.  A user submits an RFP and we would like
> that hotel's Twitter to reflect that with something like:
> "another conference RFP just submitted - tinyURL"
> Where the URL is simply a link to their blank RFP form.  No user data
> would be passed ever.
> Thank you and thanks for making Twitter pretty much the centre of the
> social universe!

Well, you can spend some time learning, like most of us here, or you
can hire someone else to do it. Good luck with your choice.

∞ Andy Badera
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