On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Dossy Shiobara<do...@panoptic.com> wrote:
> On 8/22/09 5:49 AM, Andrew Badera wrote:
>> Spam? Privacy? Call me crazy, I know!
> So, who wants to form a data mining startup that crawls websites for "follow
> me on twitter" links to people's twitter IDs, then correlates that to
> contact email addresses for the site ...
> Easy revenue model: sell lookups from email -> twitter ID and twitter ID ->
> email.
> Could this ever violate Twitter's ToS?  In theory, you could build such a
> service without ever accessing twitter.com - just crawl blogs and tumblr and
> posterous and other such sites where folks advertise their twitter IDs, then
> try to identify contact email address for the site owner.
> Clearly, there's demand for such a service - would people pay for this data?

Hopefully most of us use Spam Poison and/or CAPTCHAs to conceal or
obscure contact addresses on our site :)


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