I use my own URL shortener with the help of WordPress, WordTwit (a
plugin). I bought a shortened version of my domain name (joebrooks.me
- joeb.me) I get URLs that are like this http://joeb.me/hv ,as long as
I keep up my own database the URLS will never fail.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Matt Terenzio<mteren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are the rules on whether a URL is automatically shortened or not
> openly available anywhere?
> I was pushing a URL like this through the API:
> http://www.domain.com/story/1234567
> and it is not shortened in the tweet.
> I decided to implement my own short URLs and started pushing this
> through:
> http://go.domain.com/12xhf
> and it seemed like that caused it to be converted to a bit.ly URL
> Can that be true?

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