Well, of course when I wrote "store", I meant to write those values
inside web.config file; so in a manner that lets me change them

The question here is if it correct to read Token ad TokenSecret and
use those values so I have not to log in every times.
This is a library that I use inside my server and against my account.


On 28 Ago, 21:44, Andrew Badera <and...@badera.us> wrote:
> Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
> You should always be prepared to request new tokens on behalf of
> users, and you should always be ready to swap your app's consumer key
> and secret.
> Never store any sort of hardcoded string -- like your tokens -- in
> your applications. Worst case, put them in a human-readable config
> file the system parses out on-load. (Some frameworks make it easy.
> .NET .config files, Python YAML files.) Better, store everything in a
> DB, and be prepared to re-approve and re-pop your DB on the fly.
> ∞ Andy Badera
> ∞ This email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
> ∞ Google me:http://www.google.com/search?q=(andrew+badera)+OR+(andy+badera)
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:22 PM,
> slexten...@alice.it<slexten...@alice.it> wrote:
> > Hello, I just want a confirmation.
> > I need to build a library to enhance my CMS.
> > I need that news added on my portal are added to Twitter too.
> > I got my Twitter account, and I got my Twitter application.
> > To add a tweet by code I allowed my app on my twitter account.
> > I derived from a debug session the OAuth Token and the OAuth
> > TokenSecret so, since those values will not expire, I store them in my
> > app and I use without re-log/auth my app.
> > Is this a correct approach?
> > Thanks- Nascondi testo citato
> - Mostra testo citato -

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