> As a regular twitter user, I'm less thrilled. Once this is in place,
> is it going to fundamentally what/how I see my public timeline? If the
> mockups are anything to go by, it looks less useful. If someone I'm
> following retweets something from SarahKSilverman, I don't want to see
> SarahKSilverman appear in my timeline. I want to see the person I
> know, that way I can easily attribute it with the appropriate amount
> of importance and credibility. This issue becomes even more pronounced
> when lesser known individuals are the source of the original tweet,
> and when the topic being retweeted becomes more niche.

The nice thing about being an API client is that you can, of course, change
how the tweet is presented. In fact, that is exactly my plan for TTYtter to
change retweets so that they come from the person who RTed it, not the
person being RTed (who appears appended).

Still, I'm sort of with Dewald and others that I'm really having a hard
time seeing what the RT API buys, and I can see quite a few things that the
old "manual" way does better.

------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckai...@floodgap.com
-- Smile! God loves you! ------------------------------------------------------

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