I think the new RT API is an attempt to turn related tweets into a
computer-parseable conversation.  Humans can fairly easily determine
what it part of an existing conversation by reading the different tweets
and using contextual clues, but computers cannot.

The small benefit to us humans is that clients may be more able to
present tweets as a threaded conversation if they understand that
discreet tweets are, in fact, part of a conversation.  The large benefit
to Twitter and corporations is that they can more easily track social
behavioral patterns (== more finely targeted marketing and advertising
and ROI calculations).

Fortunately, it's all opt-in.  Unfortunately, it's all opt-in.

I'm with the others, though, that IMHO retweets should not be deleted if
an original retweet (or one up in the chain? dunno) is deleted. 
Possibly it's only in there because this (having "gaps" in tweets
brought about by deleted tweets) breaks the programmatic ability to
follow a thread.  Not sure.

Joseph Cheek
jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> Still, I'm sort of with Dewald and others that I'm really having a hard
> time seeing what the RT API buys, and I can see quite a few things that the
> old "manual" way does better.

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