All else aside ... lawyers complicate things? Maybe, but you don't
launch a product/platform and expect commitment from outside parties
until YOU are happy with what YOUR lawyers have produced and thus YOU
are offering to the outside world.

There's no defense for a questionable contract. You stand behind your
contract, or you don't publish it. Period.

∞ Andy Badera
∞ +1 518-641-1280
∞ This email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
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On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Michael Ivey <> wrote:
> "OneForty is not a developer-friendly platform."
> I think this is a demonstrably false statement. All of my interactions with
> Laura and the 140 team have been very positive, and she's made it clear that
> they're working on the contract. Sometimes lawyers overcomplicate things,
> and it takes time to dial it back.
> And yes, when I claimed Twitpay I balked at the contract initially. We don't
> have an app to sell, so none of it applied to us, and I knew Laura was
> working on it, so I went ahead with the registration.
> Whether you sign it or not, I hope people will give Laura and her team time
> to sort this out. She's a good person, and has shown a real desire to make
> something good here.
>  -- ivey
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 8:24 PM, Duane Roelands <>
> wrote:
>> I read it, and I was horrified.  So, I logged into IRC and found two
>> members of the OneForty development team.  I asked them to remove my
>> application from the directory.
>> They refused.
>> OneForty is not a developer-friendly platform.
>> On Oct 8, 7:44 pm, "" <> wrote:
>> > wow, somehow managed to totally miss that thread... thanks!
>> >
>> > On Oct 8, 6:07 pm, Dewald Pretorius <> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > There's another thread here developer
>> > > contract also raised some eyebrows.
>> >
>> > > Dewald
>> >
>> > > On Oct 8, 7:25 pm, "" <> wrote:
>> >
>> > > > There has been a lot of buzz around and what it will
>> > > > mean
>> > > > for all of us Twitter app developers. However, some of the things in
>> > > > their developer contract (that you have to agree to in order to
>> > > > claim
>> > > > your application on their side) gave us (Squeejee) pause after we
>> > > > decided to read the fine print.
>> >
>> > > > Please see read the contract for yourself
>> > > > (
>> > > > publisher_contract), see our blog post with our concerns (http://
>> > > > and leave your
>> > > > comments!
>> >
>> > > > Laura Fitton, the founder of, has been very receptive
>> > > > and
>> > > > wants to engage in open dialogue about the contract. Please add to
>> > > > the
>> > > > discussion!

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