Unicode is untested on the Streaming API, but UTF-8 really should be
supported. I've filed an internal ticket to dig into this more, but I
can't promise a resolution.

In the mean time, I'd try putting the track parameter in the POST
header (e.g. use curl -d @file as recommended in the Wiki) on the off
chance that the webserver is mangling the unicode in the URL. Please
report back to the group on the success or failure of this approach.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 12, 7:33 am, Fabien Penso <fabienpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> An Arabic speaking user of ours says he gets no notifications from the
> tracking API. A simple test :
>  curl 
> -uLOGIN:PASSWORDhttp://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json?track=تويتر
> Twitt and include تويتر in your twitt : nothing appear in the curl calls.
> Is that a known issue or am I doing something wrong ?
> Thanks!

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