I thought the new terms sorted this out

"Get each user's consent before sending Tweets or other messages on
their behalf. A user authenticating with your application does not
constitute consent to send a message."

On Oct 9, 10:22 am, Sam Street <sam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please don't forget the "Ive just taken the 'WHOSE HOTTER' quiz and
> voted for Miley fucking Cyrus" spam via @reply (and DM also)
> On Oct 9, 7:03 am, Dave Briccetti <da...@davebsoft.com> wrote:
> > A Twitter client can do an HTTP get to here:
> >  http://talkingpuffin.appspot.com/filters/noise
> > and expect lines of plain text like this:
> > Just joined a twibe. Visit http\://twibes\.com/.*
> > just joined a video chat at http\://tinychat\.com.*

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