A work around for environments that don't support the DELETE request
method is, I believe, to pass a parameter called _method with the
value "DELETE". In other words "_method=DELETE".

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 11:26 PM, wilfred yau <wld991...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It there any method to delete user from list other then using DELETE
> method?
> Since I am using Flex (but not Air) to develop third party Twitter
> Client, There are no way to call "DELETE" (which only GET and POST).
> So, will twitter provide POST or GET method API to "delete"? Thanks
> On Oct 16, 3:04 pm, Marcel Molina <mar...@twitter.com> wrote:
>> Hey folks. As some of you have likely read we're starting to do some
>> private beta testing of our new lists feature. We're not quite ready
>> to open it up to everyone but we've made some headway on the API and
>> wanted to share some details of what we've got so far.
>> There are a handful of things on our todo lists so don't consider this
>> signed and sealed just yet.
>> You may notice this API is a bit of a departure from the rest of the
>> API. It's a bit more, errr, REST than the rest.
>> First off, here's the current payload for alist:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <list>
>>   <id>1416</id>
>>   <name>tall people</name>
>>   <full_name>@noradio/tall-people</full_name>
>>   <slug>tall-people</slug>
>>   <subscriber_count>0</subscriber_count>
>>   <member_count>3</member_count>
>>   <uri>/noradio/tall-people</uri>
>>   <mode>public</mode>
>>   <user>
>>     <id>3191321</id>
>>     <name>Marcel Molina</name>
>>     <screen_name>noradio</screen_name>
>>     <location>San Francisco, CA</location>
>>     <description>Engineer at Twitter on the @twitterapi team, obsessed
>> with rock climbing &amp; running. In a past life I was a member of the
>> Rails Core team.</description>
>> <profile_image_url>http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/53473799/marcel-euro-rails-conf_no...</profile_image_url>
>>     <url>http://project.ioni.st</url>
>>     <protected>false</protected>
>>     <followers_count>40059</followers_count>
>>     <profile_background_color>9AE4E8</profile_background_color>
>>     <profile_text_color>333333</profile_text_color>
>>     <profile_link_color>0084B4</profile_link_color>
>>     <profile_sidebar_fill_color>DDFFCC</profile_sidebar_fill_color>
>>     <profile_sidebar_border_color>BDDCAD</profile_sidebar_border_color>
>>     <friends_count>354</friends_count>
>>     <created_at>Mon Apr 02 07:47:28 +0000 2007</created_at>
>>     <favourites_count>131</favourites_count>
>>     <utc_offset>-28800</utc_offset>
>>     <time_zone>Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)</time_zone>
>> <profile_background_image_url>http://a1.twimg.com/profile_background_images/18156348/jessica_tiled....</profile_background_image_url>
>>     <profile_background_tile>true</profile_background_tile>
>>     <statuses_count>3472</statuses_count>
>>     <notifications>false</notifications>
>>     <geo_enabled>true</geo_enabled>
>>     <verified>false</verified>
>>     <following>false</following>
>>   </user>
>> </list>
>> === Lists ===
>> POST '/:user/lists.:format'
>> Creates a newlistfor the authenticated user.
>> Parameters:
>>  * name: the name of thelist. (required)
>>  * mode: whether yourlistis public of private. Values can be
>> 'public' or 'private'. Public by default if not specified. (optional)
>> Usage notes:
>>  ":user" in the url should be the screen name of the user making the
>> request to create thelist
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d "name=tall 
>> people&mode=private"http://twitter.com/noradio/lists.xml
>> POST/PUT '/:user/lists/:list_slug.:format'
>> Updates the specifiedlist.
>> Takes the same parameters as the create resource at POST
>> '/:user/lists.:format' (:name and :mode).
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d 
>> "name=giants&mode=public"http://twitter.com/noradio/lists/tall-people.xml
>> GET '/:user/lists.:format'
>> Lists your lists.
>> Supported format:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists.xml
>> GET '/:user/lists/memberships.:format'Listthe lists the specified user has 
>> been added to.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists/memberships.xml
>> DELETE '/:user/lists/:list_slug.:format'
>> Delete the specifiedlistowned by the authenticated user.
>> Parameters:
>>  * list_slug: the slug of thelistyou want to delete. (required)
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>> DELETEhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists/tall-people.xml
>> GET '/:users/lists/:list_slug/statuses.:format'
>> Show tweet timeline for members of the specifiedlist.
>> Parameters:
>>  * list_slug: the slug of thelistyou want the member tweet timeline
>> of. (required)
>>  * next/previous_cursor: used to "page" through results (optional)
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u 
>> USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists/tall-people/statuses.xml
>> GET '/:users/lists/:list_slug.:format'
>> Show a specificlistyou can use the new resource.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>   curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists/tall-people.xml
>> ===Listmembers ===
>> POST '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
>> Add a member to alist.
>> Parameters:
>>  * id: the id of the user you want to add as a member to thelist. (required)
>> Usage notes:
>> The :list_slug portion of the request path should be the slug of thelistyou 
>> want to add a member to.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d 
>> "id=123456789"http://http://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/members.xml
>> GET '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
>> Members of the specifiedlist.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/members.xml
>> DELETE '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
>> Remove a member from the specifiedlist.
>> Parameters:
>>  * id: the id of the user you want to remove as a member from thelist. 
>> (required)
>> Usage notes:
>> The :list_id portion of the request path should be the slug of thelistyou 
>> want to add a member to.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>> "id=123456789"http://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/members.xml
>> GET '/:user/:list_slug/members/:id.:format'
>> Check if a user is a member of the specifiedlist.
>> Usage notes:
>> The :id is the id of the user you're inquiring about.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u 
>> USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/members/123456789.xml
>> ===Listsubscribers ===
>> POST '/:user/:list_slug/subscribers.:format'
>> Subscribe the authenticated user to the specifiedlist.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>> POSThttp://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/subscribers.xml
>> GET '/:user/:list_slug/subscribers.:format'Listthe users subscribed to the 
>> specifiedlist.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u 
>> USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/subscribers.xml
>> DELETE '/:user/:list_slug/subscribers.:format'
>> Unsubscribe the authenticated user from the specifiedlist.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>> DELETEhttp://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/subscribers.xml
>> GET '/:user/:list_slug/subscribers/:id.:format'
>> Check if a user subscribes to the specifiedlist.
>> Usage notes:
>> The :id is the id of the user you're inquiring about.
>> Supported formats:
>> xml, json
>> e.g.
>>  curl -u 
>> USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/subscribers/123456789.xml
>> More to come soon. Stay tuned!
>> --
>> Marcel Molina
>> Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/noradio

Marcel Molina
Twitter Platform Team

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