hi zac.

we have not yet rectified this, but, as it currently stands, the
"contributor" (in the case of my example, @raffi) gets the deduction from
his or her rate limit.

to try to anticipate your next question, the account holder (@twitter) only
has a set number of people he or she can invite to contribute on behalf of
them.  that number is not huge.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Zac Bowling <zbowl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm curious about rate limiting and what impact this has. Which account
> gets rate limited basically.
> Zac Bowling
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 8:33 PM, Justyn <justyn.how...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Raffi,
>> Curious how the contributors will be associated? Will it essentially
>> be linking accounts? Presumably then the user would identify in an app
>> which account to post an update to based on those accounts they have
>> been associated as contributors to? So, a "contribution" would
>> originate from a separate Twitter account, let's say @Raffi and be
>> posted to @Twitter. The primary difference from what we're used to
>> with CoTweet for example, where you may have many authors with no
>> individual twitter accounts, this would all be based on having two or
>> more accounts (1 biz account linked to contributor accounts). Does
>> that make sense?
>> Justyn
>> On Dec 14, 6:07 pm, Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com> wrote:
>> > As you may have seen on our
>> > blog<http://blog.twitter.com/2009/12/feature-test-with-businesses.html
>> >,
>> > we're starting a very small test of a new feature that will allow a
>> Twitter
>> > account to have multiple "contributors".  This is the first in a suite
>> of
>> > features that we'll be rolling out specifically targeted to the needs of
>> > businesses, and this particular feature is going to allow a business to
>> > invite employees and representatives to tweet, DM, follow users, etc.,
>> on
>> > behalf of the account holder.
>> >
>> > While this feature is not ready for prime-time, and while we're not yet
>> > taking requests to be part of an early-access release while we work out
>> the
>> > kinks, we're really committed to keeping our developers in the loop.  I
>> want
>> > to give you all a heads up on what is coming on the API side, and, for
>> this
>> > particular feature, I wanted to give you all a look at what we're
>> calling
>> > the "Contributor API".  The reason I want to really highlight these
>> changes
>> > is because we'll be making an addition to the status objects as this
>> rolls
>> > out.
>> >
>> > We'll be introducing a new parameter called contributingto to most API
>> > endpoints -- this parameter must be set to the user ID of the user that
>> the
>> > employee or representative wants to take the action on behalf of.  If
>> using
>> > contributingto, then the caller must authenticate when calling and must
>> use
>> > OAuth.  For example, if I, @raffi, wanted to tweet on behalf of @twitter
>> (ID
>> > 783214), I would call /status/update.xml, I would attach a parameter of
>> > contributingto=783214, and I would authenticate to that endpoint as
>> myself
>> > using OAuth.  The API will confirm that @raffi has permission to
>> contribute
>> > to the @twitter account, and will error with a 403 if that account does
>> not.
>> >
>> > You can expect to see contributingto show up as an optional parameter to
>> the
>> > following endpoints (and presumably some more) when calling onhttp://
>> api.twitter.com/1:
>> >
>> > /account/rate_limit_status
>> > /account/update_profile
>> > /account/update_profile_background_image
>> > /account/update_profile_colors
>> > /account/update_profile_image
>> > /account/verify_credentials
>> > /blocks/blocking
>> > /blocks/blocking/ids
>> > /blocks/create
>> > /blocks/destroy
>> > /blocks/exists
>> > /direct_messages
>> > /direct_messages/destroy
>> > /direct_messages/new
>> > /direct_messages/sent
>> > /favorites
>> > /favorites/create
>> > /favorites/destroy
>> > /followers/ids
>> > /friends/ids
>> > /friendships/create
>> > /friendships/destroy
>> > /friendships/exists
>> > /report_spam
>> > /saved_searches
>> > /saved_searches/create
>> > /saved_searches/destroy
>> > /saved_searches/show
>> > /statuses/destroy
>> > /statuses/followers
>> > /statuses/friends
>> > /statuses/friends_timeline
>> > /statuses/home_timeline
>> > /statuses/mentions
>> > /statuses/public_timeline
>> > /statuses/retweet
>> > /statuses/retweeted_by_me
>> > /statuses/retweeted_to_me
>> > /statuses/retweets
>> > /statuses/retweets_of_me
>> > /statuses/show
>> > /statuses/update
>> > /statuses/user_timeline
>> > /users/show
>> >
>> > Lastly, the <status> objects will include an additional parameter named
>> > contributors that will have an user_id with the ID of the user who
>> actually
>> > created this status object.  An example XML status would have
>> >
>> > <status>
>> >   ...
>> >   <contributors>
>> >     <user_id>ID of the contributor</user_id>
>> >   </contributors>
>> >   ...
>> > </status>
>> >
>> > and in JSON
>> >
>> > {
>> >   ...
>> >   "contributors" : [ID of the contributor],
>> >   ...
>> >
>> > }
>> >
>> > Due to caching, historical status objects may or may not contain the
>> > contributors, but all status created after launch will.
>> >
>> > Like I said, more details to come!
>> >
>> > --
>> > Raffi Krikorian
>> > Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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