Heya, this will definitely work for now.  Thanks for the good idea.


On Dec 29, 10:45 am, Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com> wrote:
> hi eric.
> yup - you've hit it right on the head.  one of the main initiatives in us
> starting to version our API is so that we can really consolidate and make
> our error codes consistent.  unfortunately, for legacy compatibility
> reasons, we can't change the second case to have a 402 error and we will
> have to keep it as a 401.
> what you could do is parse the response that comes back in the 401, however.
>  in the case that your password is wrong, the error should be
> "Could not authenticate you."
> for basic auth and OAuth. the second case has an error of
> "Not authorized"
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Eric Marcoullier @ Gnip <
> e...@marcoullier.com> wrote:
> > We're trying to build some logic into our data collector and we've
> > been fighting with an issue for a while involving the 401
> > "Unauthorized" error code.
> > There are two instances where I can get this response
> > 1) Bad credentials.  I try to log in with an invalid username or
> > password.
> > 2) I don't have access to a specific user's private account.
> > The former can be a real problem for a user.  I changed my password a
> > few weeks ago and forgot that I was using it for whitelisted REST API
> > access.  Querying three times in rapid succession with a bad password
> > causes a temporary lockdown of a user's account.  I was querying once
> > per second and locked the account for a five days.  This is an account-
> > level issue and the proper way to deal with this from our perspective
> > is to immediately sleep the poller for 30 minutes and send an alert
> > about bad credentials.
> > This is completely different than if someone I'm following has taken
> > their account private.  In this case, sleeping for 30 minutes (or any
> > amount of time, really) is overkill.  Unless I'm querying for a single
> > person over and over, there's no reason to pause before moving onto
> > the next rule that I'm querying for.
> > Unfortunately, we have no way to disambiguate between the two 401s and
> > we're forced to either lock someone's account (ignoring 401s) or
> > severely reduce their polling efficiency (acting on 401s).
> > Best case would be to break these two error conditions out into
> > separate error codes.  Perhaps a 401 for bad credentials and a 402 for
> > lack of authorization for a specific piece of content.
> > Please let know if I've overlooked something that would help me
> > disambiguate the use cases in the current system.
> > Thanks!
> > Eric
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

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