I think that's like asking someone: why do you eat food? But don't say
because it tastes good or nourishes you, because we already know
that! ;)

You guys presumably set the 5000 ids per cursor limit by analyzing
your user base and noting that one could still obtain the social graph
for the vast majority of users with a single call.

But this is a bit misleading.  For analytics-based apps, who aim to do
near real-time analysis of relationships, the focus is typically on
consumer brands who have a far larger than average number of
relationships (e.g., 50k - 200k).

This means that those apps are neck-deep in cursor-based stuff, and
quickly realize the existing drawbacks, including, in order of

- Latency.  Fetching ids for a user with 3000 friends is comparable
between the two calls.  But as you increment past 5000, the speed
quickly peaks at a 5+x difference (I will include more benchmarks in a
short while).  For example, fetching 80,000 friends via the get-all
method takes on average 3 seconds; it takes, on average, 15 seconds
with cursors.

- Code complexity & elegance.  I would say that there is a 3x increase
in code lines to account for cursors, from retrying failed cursors, to
caching to account for cursor slowness, to UI changes to coddle
impatient users.

- Incomprehensibility.  While there are obviously very good reasons
from Twitter's perspective (performance) to the cursor based model,
there really is no apparent obvious benefit to API users for the ids
calls.  I would make the case that a large majority of API uses of the
ids calls need and require the entire social graph, not an incomplete
one.  After all, we need to know what new relationships exist, but
also what old relationships have failed.  To dole out the data in
drips and drabs is like serving a pint of beer in sippy cups.  That is
to say: most users need the entire social graph, so what is the use
case, from an API user's perspective, of NOT maintaining at least one
means to quickly, reliably, and efficiently get it in a single call?

- API Barriers to entry.  Most of the aforementioned arguments are
obviously from an API user's perspective, but there's something, too,
for Twitter to consider.  Namely, by increasing the complexity and
learning curve of particular API actions, you presumably further limit
the pool of developers who will engage with that API.  That's probably
a bad thing.

- Limits Twitter 2.0 app development.  This, again, speaks to issues
bearing on speed and complexity, but I think it is important.  The
first few apps in any given media or innovation invariably have to do
with basic functionality building blocks -- tweeting, following,
showing tweets.  But the next wave almost always has to do with
measurement and analysis.  By making such analysis more difficult, you
forestall the critically important ability for brands, and others, to
measure performance.

- API users have requested it.  Shouldn't, ultimately, the use case
for a particular API method simply be the fact that a number of API
developers have requested that it remain?

On Jan 4, 2:07 pm, Wilhelm Bierbaum <wilh...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Can everyone contribute their use case for this API method? I'm trying
> to fully understand the deficiencies of the cursor approach.
> Please don't include that cursors are slow or that they are charged
> against the rate limit, as those are known issues.
> Thanks.

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