Just run it through my debugger, it's absolutely returning an HTTP 400

On Jan 28, 9:46 pm, Rich <rhyl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looks like they are in the process of upping the oAuth rate limit as
> now I'm getting different results but still a 400 error
> On Jan 28, 9:41 pm, Shelkie <eshel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Are others having trouble with Ratelimits?
> > Suddenly the "X-Ratelimit-Limit" has changed to 0 for several accounts
> > I have checked. Here are some sample HTTP headers:
> >  [Date] => Thu, 28 Jan 2010 21:27:55 GMT
> >  [Server] => hi
> >  [X-Ratelimit-Limit] => 0
> >  [Status] => 400 Bad Request
> >  [X-Ratelimit-Remaining] => 0
> >  [X-Runtime] => 0.02640
> >  [Content-Type] => application/json; charset=utf-8
> >  [Content-Length] => 412
> >  [X-Ratelimit-Class] => api_identified
> >  [Cache-Control] => no-cache, max-age=300
> >  [X-Ratelimit-Reset] => 1264716226
> > Notice that X-Ratelimit-Reset is also out of date when compared to
> > ["Date"]
> > Any ideas? Could our app have been blacklisted for some reason, or is
> > this a more widespread problem?
> > Eric.

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